Saturday 31 March 2012

Sunny Saturday ...

Meshak, security guard, & Sheena
Picking out the bad grains from the corn
... Yes, sunny again and even warmer than yesterday. It should be rining though and, apart from a few clouds
bubbling up in the evening, there is no sign of any precipitation yet. 

 I felt pretty groggy yesterday through lack of sleep but had a good eight hours sleep last night and felt refreshed this morning.

Since I arrived, the electricity has faltered occasionally and has gone off four times, but three of those were only for a few minutes sodidn’t cause any real concern.  I did ask Josphat to buy me a torch this morning

though, just to be on the safe side.  
Rachel doing the washing outside

Since I wrote that para, the electricity has been on & off on several occasions  so I didn't have the laptop connected to the power, for fear of a surge, and the battery ran out of power so I have come back much later on.

Josphat & the ladies
There have been various discussions today about possible projects for the future and priorities too - there are so many obvious areas which would benefit from extra funds!  Some of these relate to buildings, others are projects like growing food crops for the boarders at the school and also to provide another vocational course for some of the older pupils. 

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