Tuesday 3 April 2012

Library Update

Library exterior
I spent much of the morning in the library with Lucas, the librarian.  We met him two years ago when he first came to the school and the library was in the process of being set up, with many books from a variety of sources, including several charities and publishers in the UK. 

The books are now housed in a bigger building than that of two years ago, which has much more room for new shelves and the storage of books.  It doesn't have the same potential as the the one we have plans for, but is certainly an improvement on the shack-like original building. 
Lucas at work

Tina, Linda and I had managed to acquire many pieces of equipment from a couple of library services - items that had become redundant with the computerisation of services.  Chris had received much information on systems from his cousin and we had arrived with everything we needed to classify and catalogue the books already at Aquinoe and the piles that we brought with us.  The idea at that time was that the pupils would all be encouraged to borrow books from the library and would develop a love of reading. 

Some "little ones" enjoying books
Lucas explained that the lending system had not really worked for the pupils, although it was still in place for the staff.  Although the pupils loved having the books, they were almost too much of a prized possession and some of the books were not returned to the library.  Too many were being “lost” despite the threat of fines being imposed. 

The system at the moment is that teachers will bring the pupils in their class to the library once a week and the children will read a chosen book.  This will then be bookmarked and the pupil will read more the following week.  Some of the pupils are also allowed to come in small groups and will read informally

Older pupils choosing books & newspapers
There are newspapers for the older pupils to read at a table in the library at lunchtimes or after school. 

Four library monitors help to put books back on the shelves and generally tidy up. 

There is a possibility that an assistant may be employed so that the library can open in the evenings and  at the weekend. 

Even further into the future there are dreams that the library may become a community resource for local people. 


  1. Hi Jean,
    Looks like you're having a v.productive and informative trip.
    Really enjoying your blog....great photos
    Take care and hope the return trip is less eventful and more pleasant

  2. Thanks Gay. There have been some problems with the electricity and Internet connections but nothing compared with the problems had last night trying to get the NEXT installment up (i.e. for 4th April). Will try again now.
